Monday, September 28, 2009

Well 'aint it about time...

It has been a while since I have posted, but just cause I haven’t written about the shenanigans, doesn’t mean things have been uneventful.

I have been busy with work in the new position. All is going well. I am learning a lot, showing them what I have got, and getting great experience at the same time. The job is demanding and it has its days, but at the end of the day when I realize I helped make the magic of TV happen, it somehow all seems deserving and pays off.

I have shot a couple of events lately. I shot the night of the MTV Video Music Awards at a Harry Winston jewelry fashion week party. Gerard Butler, Rita Pinto, Mary Alice Stevenson, Jennifer Esposito, and a hand full of others. It was my first celebrity red carpet event to shoot. I will be shooting another fall fashion line preview party this week as well. Its fun to get to do something you enjoy and get paid for it. Hopefully the pictures reflect my work, and capture the essence of the party.

On September 11, I went to take a picture of the NY skyline from Brooklyn. It is one of the nicest pictures I think I have taken here in NYC and shows how much darkness there was on that day 8 years ago, yet there is light and glimmers of hope in this country that freedom endure, and remain a right for all of us.

LSU football has started up obviously and I am regrettably not there to tailgate, see the games, eat and spend Saturday nights with 96,000 of my closest friends but I must admit the LSU Alumni Chapter up here has been doing it right. We all gather at a place that is like a mix of Sullivan’s Ringside and Walk-On’s to cheer on our tigers. First game we had over 200 people there. It was fun. This weekend I am hosting a tailgate at my place for the game.

I also am still in the process of putting the house together still, even though I thought I was almost finished. A friend of mine Ashley Broussard who I used to work with at the LRA, collaborated with me on an art project I created and wanted to do for one of my walls in the kitchen. Can you tell what it is?

What it represents?

Many think it’s the alphabet when they first see it. Well you are sort of right… it’s the trains of NYC in alphabetical order. The entire project cost no more than $30 and is a great way to make customized things that hold meaning to you and incorporate them into your décor. Try the idea with other things you know, it’s a cheap way to make a bold statement.

Lastly, Fall is here in NYC ALREADY! Not sure how I feel about this. We never really had a summer, it never hit 90 degrees and already the leaves are turning, cool crisp air hovers throughout the day, dampness surrounds you as you walk through the park, and the smell of winter teases your senses trying to rush and warn of its arrival.
I will be home for Christmas! The trip is booked and I am visiting December 18-27th. What a great way to spend the holidays.

Until then,
Peace, Love and NYC


  1. OMG this is so exciting! I did that!!!! haha, lookin' good Dilly Couv, lookin' good. I also <3 the last shot of NYC. It's beautiful. I'm tres jealous of your red carpet gig. Sorry for pestering you about the pictures, I just really wanted to see the final project! NICE

  2. The wall looks as good in the photo as it did in the webcam visit. Your photos from the MTV awards night look wonderful as well as your NYC pictures. Keep up the great work. We love you.

  3. Look at you...getting close to the stars. Those photos of the skyline are so good. We are having a little taste of fall right now, but I'm sure it won't last long. Love you and miss you!
