Tuesday, November 3, 2009

FALLing into Season

Fall has arrived, although I think we skipped over Summer and are just about into Winter already. Most New Yorker’s say its their favorite time of year, the crisp chill in the air, the leaves turning colors, seeing families bundle up in neutral & brown tones strolling through the park. Well I have never seen Fall this way, until now.

Back home the leaves go from “green” to “ground.” None of the sunburned reds and rusty orange on the foliage. Just a pile of leaves making one hate having an actual yard to rake. The only crisp chill in the air back home in Louisiana is the kind that comes from the rain in December that forces you to buy so much chap-stick, you just as soon buy stock in the company. And families walking together? Well that only happens as stroller moms storm the mall trying to start Christmas shopping and dragging their young ones along who are clearly unhappy with being at the mall for 6 hours as mom sifts through the sale rack at Sears for a $7.00 shirt for dad.

The season here is one that kind of calms you and shows you the color pallet of mother nature. I have posted some pictures below. More can be seen at www.dillonandre.smugmug.com under the album “FALLing into the Season.”

My stepmom and one of my stepsisters visited this weekend. It was a really good visit. We didn’t do much, but just hang out eat and sleep. It was nice to just spend quality time together. Made me miss the Sunday night dinners when we all used to go over and eat and spend time together as a family.

One of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to read more. Surprisingly, unlike other resolutions I have always made, I have. I have read 5 books this year. (That’s 5 more than I read last year.) They all have been mostly devotional, self reflecting, motivational books. After reading one, I have found they kind of all are the same. They all have the same point and rarely differ in their calls-to-action. While I have enjoyed them, after reading them, I still feel unchallenged, the same, and as though I wasted my time reading them. So I figured rather than still spending money on these books, why not write one myself, but do it online. So I am asking for your prayers. I am working on a new blog that I am planning on launching at the beginning of the year that I will send out and post a weekly motivational, inspirational, call to action type of blog that will encourage you to be the best you that you can be. It will be real world applications so that it forces you to realize the ways to better ourselves.

You know good and well you are going to make a new years resolution to lose weight, eat better and be more active. You know you will, and I know you will. You do it every year, and after about the first two months, you make excuses ALREADY. Too hard to get to the gym, takes to long, sore from last week, and whatever other excuse you make. Not this idea of being a better you. This “routine” is available to you at any computer and on any cell phone, so location is not an excuse. This routine won’t take too long, they are 5 minute challenges that you will get on Monday and be asked to focus on throughout the week. No trainer to hold you accountable, just yourself and your conscious. Its going to be the best part of your week and an ENTIRE new way of looking at life. A way that is going to get you… to be the BEST you!

You can check out the new Blog at http://routinelyme.blogspot.com/
Please hold me accountable on this project as I will be holding you accountable to follow it and stop by and read it once a week, for 5 minutes, and the pay-off? You will get into being “Routinely Me”.

Until Next Time...
Peace, Love and NYC

Monday, September 28, 2009

Well 'aint it about time...

It has been a while since I have posted, but just cause I haven’t written about the shenanigans, doesn’t mean things have been uneventful.

I have been busy with work in the new position. All is going well. I am learning a lot, showing them what I have got, and getting great experience at the same time. The job is demanding and it has its days, but at the end of the day when I realize I helped make the magic of TV happen, it somehow all seems deserving and pays off.

I have shot a couple of events lately. I shot the night of the MTV Video Music Awards at a Harry Winston jewelry fashion week party. Gerard Butler, Rita Pinto, Mary Alice Stevenson, Jennifer Esposito, and a hand full of others. It was my first celebrity red carpet event to shoot. I will be shooting another fall fashion line preview party this week as well. Its fun to get to do something you enjoy and get paid for it. Hopefully the pictures reflect my work, and capture the essence of the party.

On September 11, I went to take a picture of the NY skyline from Brooklyn. It is one of the nicest pictures I think I have taken here in NYC and shows how much darkness there was on that day 8 years ago, yet there is light and glimmers of hope in this country that freedom endure, and remain a right for all of us.

LSU football has started up obviously and I am regrettably not there to tailgate, see the games, eat and spend Saturday nights with 96,000 of my closest friends but I must admit the LSU Alumni Chapter up here has been doing it right. We all gather at a place that is like a mix of Sullivan’s Ringside and Walk-On’s to cheer on our tigers. First game we had over 200 people there. It was fun. This weekend I am hosting a tailgate at my place for the game.

I also am still in the process of putting the house together still, even though I thought I was almost finished. A friend of mine Ashley Broussard who I used to work with at the LRA, collaborated with me on an art project I created and wanted to do for one of my walls in the kitchen. Can you tell what it is?

What it represents?

Many think it’s the alphabet when they first see it. Well you are sort of right… it’s the trains of NYC in alphabetical order. The entire project cost no more than $30 and is a great way to make customized things that hold meaning to you and incorporate them into your décor. Try the idea with other things you know, it’s a cheap way to make a bold statement.

Lastly, Fall is here in NYC ALREADY! Not sure how I feel about this. We never really had a summer, it never hit 90 degrees and already the leaves are turning, cool crisp air hovers throughout the day, dampness surrounds you as you walk through the park, and the smell of winter teases your senses trying to rush and warn of its arrival.
I will be home for Christmas! The trip is booked and I am visiting December 18-27th. What a great way to spend the holidays.

Until then,
Peace, Love and NYC

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lots to bring you up to speed on...

This past weekend I really enjoyed being a New Yorker for the first time. I spent all day Saturday at the park here in Astoria. Its Queens’ central park if you will. I biked there around 11:00AM and found that it was the Astoria Arts and Music Festival, Queens’ version of Jazz fest. A beautiful day to spend at the park hoping around all the four music stages along the East River. The day filled with local arts, crafts music and food. 8 hours later I looked at my watch and it was 7:00PM.

It made Friday’s news a little bit easier to swallow. Friday the staff of Brink , the current show I work on for the Science Channel, and I got word that our show has been cancelled and will not be renewed for any more seasons. It was tough news to hear, and my heart went out to our 4 editors, 3 producers, assistant & executive producers, and the other B.A. along with myself. To see a team put all of their heart and soul into a project that they fully commit to, giving their best to, makes the news even tougher. So sadly, one of the best produced shows on the network, will soon come to an end as we wrap with our 26th episode of the season.
In the meantime, if you have the Science Channel, you should check out the show on Monday nights at 10:30/ 9:30c for the latest and greatest in science, discovery, health, technology, concepts, and if for no other reason… to see my name for the first time on national TV, in the credits. (There were too many to list on Next Food Network Star)

The project is a very cool one, and is the type of show I wish science teachers in school would have shown the class to introduce new ideas, concepts and theories in a fun, educational and engaging way.

I also had a bit of a reality check on Saturday. I came home and was watching the finals of the Ironman competition in Hawaii. I was watching, since my brother-in-law has competed before, and NBC aired a taped piece that actually made me tear up. Lame I know… They were showing footage of a 72-year-old woman who was crossing the finish line after swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and then running a marathon (26.4 miles) yes my brother-in-law did that! The footage was in slow motion as she ran across the finish line, with a smile as big as the Hawaiian coast, and sappy music playing in the background and the encouraging images of complete strangers, standing cheering her on, and rooting for her, as she accomplished something she had set out to do accomplish. The moment was moving. I noticed the tears started to drip, not only cause of her achievement and her story, but part jealousy.

See I caught myself thinking, I want that kind of moment in my life. I want that same crowd rooting me on, cheering for me, celebrating with me. I have never had that kind of moment and I found myself wanting to experience that, where I can run across head, and hands held high in celebration. Then I came to my senses and realized that while that may have been the ONLY time that lady experienced that, I HAVE had that moment, and I DO have that moment on a daily basis. I have that crowd rooting me on, its you my family and friends. I have that applause, its your approval. I have those strangers who cheer for me, it’s the support your friends and co-workers. I have the slow motion video, it’s a look back at all that I have experienced. I have the slow music, it’s the words of encouragement you have given. I have that smile, it’s a sense of accomplishment on anything I commit myself to. While I may have not crossed the finish line, I am running the race . Hebrews 12:1 immediately comes to mind. "Let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us."

Then likewise I get in church on Sunday and we sing a song called “What if today was your last day” by Nickelback. The lyrics ask:

"My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day's a gift and not a given right.
 Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind, 
and try to take the path less traveled by
 that first step you take is the longest stride
If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late, could you say goodbye to yesterday?
 Would you live each moment like your last, leave old pictures in the past?
 Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?
 What if, what if, if today was your last day?"

The song was just a reminder, and I think God’s way of re-assuring me, that worries of today, will be in the past tomorrow . and there is no reason to cloud tomorrow with the worries that have yet to see the light of day. So again, and it seems like I said it just a few month ago, I am trusting that God will reveal and speak his plan for this season of my life to me, and that I will accept and pursue it. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and y’all always remain in mind.

LASTLY, this Sunday is the season 5 finale of Next Food Network Star. Its down to the two finalist. It’s the showdown between the stay-at-home mom, and the real estate owner. Who will win, who will be, who deserves, and who do you think is the Next Food Network Star.

Also a BIG Shout-out to three people in my life celebrating birthdays. My best friend Tray, my Nannie Jeanne, and my grandmaw Maurine! Hope all of your days Rock!

Until next time...
Peace, Love and NYC

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Blog, New Crib, Same ‘ol Me

Its about time I followed up on this thing.

A new blog. I figured it was time for a facelift on this site. I mean with a new leaf, new place to live, new job project… why not have a new look? It’s the same thing, but I did change my address down on the bottom right, so be sure you update it in your address books. Its 24-16 32nd Street Astoria, NY 11102

The new crib… yes I moved. Still in Queens, but in Astoria now. Astoria, you may not have heard of us... but you have heard from us. My neighborhood has birthed Tony Bennett, David Schimmer (of the show Friends), and Christopher Walken. Mobster Frank Costello, and ragtime great Scott Joplin are buried here. The original Cosby Show was set and shot here. Sienfeld's george Costanza's parents lived here.And who could for get Archie and Edith Bunker living here in the show All in the Family. It has been the backdrop for the movies Goodfellas and King Kong. enough about the city, now about the crib. The new place was a blank slate we we first got in, which proved to be a good thing. Operation Extreme Makeover Home Edition ROUND 2 here we go. I have posted pictures of before and after. It seems like that’s all I have been doing lately, is fixing up and redoing places. Its fun, but a lot of work, do you think it paid off?

I must say a HUGE Thank YOU!!!!!!!! To any and all of you who helped with the move by donating supplies, donations, prayers and support. You have helped make my apartment... a home. And its reassuring to know I have pieces of you with me here! I had some of the biggest help with my best friends making the drive up from LA to NY. The road trip was fun, memorable and spent doing a LOT of laughing.

I celebrated my 23rd birthday back home when I went down to visit. It was the best birthday yet, cause I spent the entire 10 days with family and friends, the best gift I could have asked for. It was a great trip home, one that went by too quickly but was such a blessing to have. I met my nephew Hudson for the first time, which was THE biggest reason i was looking forward to going home. And spending time with my three nieces/nephew was time well spent.

The new job starts Friday. I am still at the same company just shifted to a different project. Its a project with the Science Channel, on a weekly show called Brink. As for all of you Food Network lovers, keep watching as the field keeps narrowing to our finale on August 2nd. Who do you think has got it in the “lunchbag?”

Until Next Time...
Peace, Love, and NYC

Monday, June 1, 2009

We are on in 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Sunday night is a night I am looking forward to! Its the night that the show I have been working on for the past 6 months takes to the air. The Next Food Network Star Season 5 will be on Sunday night on The Food Network at 9/8c. 10 finalist food fight it out, turn up the heat, get out the knives, blend it up, and dish it out as they compete for the ultimate dream job.... Their own show on Food Network (and an added prize to the package this year that you will have to stay tuned to find out).

Each week, one finalist is eliminated. The process continues for nine weeks, until August 2nd, where (insert name here) is crowned The Next food Network Star! You didn't think i was actually going to tell you the winner did you? Of course not, but I will give you some inside info.

Episode 1 is packed with FN (Food Network) personalities, and tension and drama already arising between some finalist. Its a group effort and some one will not make it to see their second challenge.

I will try to give you BTS (behind the scenes) facts each episode. Episode 1 (the cooking and serving challenge part) was actually filmed over two days, not one, as it appears in the show. There are some minor unshown injuries in the kitchen, lord knows I have cut myself PLENTY of times when cooking. Episode 1's Evaluation was the longest of the season....6+ hours long, straight through, condensed into like 12 minutes of the show.

Now enough news on the show, you gotta watch it to see more! Its okay to watch, your doctor recommends it, and its the best addiction to have this summer.

The job ends on June 19, and the next day.... I AM COMING HOME TO VISIT!!!! I can not wait to see y'all and be around those that I am so blessed to have in my life. I will be planning time to see everyone so let me know when you are available. So I can schedule time to SEE YOU!!!!

This past week was really enjoyable, I had family in town, which is always a good thing, and enjoyed their company and laughter. I also this past weekend attended the LSU Alumni Crawfish boil here in NYC and joined a zydeco band. By joined, I mean the thoroughly enJOYED my two-stepping and jitter bug, so much so that i was invited to play with them, for the entire 3 and 1/2 hours. It was like a life dream come true to get to be in a band, one with good music and I even sang some of the songs, all while playing the washboard!

I got a new apartment! As of July 1, I will be living in Astoria, Queens. Its the new up and coming part of Queens that is known for its food, neighborhoods and fresh markets! the place is COMPLETLEY newly renovated, ceramic tile, appliances and gets me out of the situation I was in at my old place. I am so blessed for the opportunity and hope to enjoy it.

I am going on a second interview on June 12 at 3:00PM with CBS Sports so please keep me in your prayers. I interviewed once already and will do so again soon. I am placing my FULL TRUST in God, knowing that He will orchestrate whatever, no matter the outcome, and His plan for my life is still what I seek.

Until Next time. Peace, Love, and NYC!
Dillon (WATCH THE SHOW) Couvillon

Thursday, May 7, 2009

T minus one month until...

Again, I know it has been a little while since the last blog post... but this one is a SAVORY one. It is a long one and should only be read when you have time, cause you need to see the links and watch the videos. I have so much information MARINATING and I'm ready to DISH it out. You ready for me to SERVE it up? (Are you getting the food analogies, cause if not the suspense and play on words didn't work!)

All shooting has wrapped and the show hits the air just one month from tonight. The fifth season of the Next Food Network Star will air Sunday June 7 at 9/8c. I have put the video promo for the show below so that you can watch it. It is the same one that you may have seen running as a commercial spot on FN (Food Network).

I have also provided a link for you to meet all ten of this season's contestants so that you can pick your favorites and see what is in store. There is a video you MUST watch. It is a buck forty long (that's 1:40 in TV lingo) and shows you MAJOR highlights that you will see all season long throughout all 9 episodes. Watch, log on and tell me what you think. Its free, duh and takes only a little bit of time to watch. It has been consuming my life, you can at least give me some kind of feedback cant you? Watch season opener.

Other than that, I am sure you have heard by now, that I became an uncle for the third time. This time to my first Nephew Hudson James. He is doing well and my sister and brother-in-law are doing even better now that their little blessing is here. I must say I miss you all, but he is probably the biggest reason I want to come home for a visit. I can not wait to meet him, this time in person rather than through my computer web cam the way we did the night he was born.

I did get news that my job is extended through June 19th so that is a blessing. Once that is up, I am not sure what else will fall into place, but that is where I am trusting God. He will arrange what he has in store for me and I will just keep doing my best at whatever it is I can do. I am not worrying cause I know He has promised good to me and I am ready to see what that is. My life motto has become what Jeremiah 29:11 reads.

I also had a visit from my step-mom and my dad this past weekend. It was PERFECT timing (well not for the weather part, but we made the most of it). It was a good touch of home at just when I needed it most! I have posted some pictures below for you to see. Of course after they leave I realize we did not take, not even one picture of all three of us together. Guess we were having to much fun to think? We saw Jersey Boys (great) and did the ENTIRE central park (lots of walking) and ate and ate and ATE! It was amazing!

Also just to show you and give you an idea of how wonderful this city is this time of year, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my photo website and click on the album called Spring Blossoms in NYC by clicking here. I will only post one picture down below to give you a tease of what you can expect to see and be amazed at by clicking on the link.

I hope that all of you are doing well, and aren't missing me too much. In case you are wondering, I will more than likely plan a visit back home after my job is up here... and hopefully in between jobs. What are thins like at home for y'all? keep me updated my responding to the blog or by email me me at dillonandrecouvilon@gmail.com. Please keep the prayers coming, I am relying on them, and they are carrying me through.

Until next time,
Peace, Love and NYC,
- Dillon

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MY NEPHEW has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!

After nearly twenty hours of labor, my sister Jeanine and her husband Josh became the proud parents of their baby boy Hudson James Russo. He arrived at 9:57pm CST weighing 7 lbs 11 oz. stretching to 22 inches tall.

Jeanine was induced at 3AM on Tuesday morning with very little progress. Throughout the day she was slow to dilate but eventually made it all the way. Due to being in labor for such a long period of time, Jeanine began running a fever. Once the nurse and doctor began examining Jeanine and getting Hudson to move around, it was just a few moments left before his grand entrance. The nurses explained this is a common thing when women are in labor for such a long time, but they watch it carefully because infection can set in.

The doctor asked them how they felt about forceps, and Jeanine and Josh were willing (I think just ready to have him out) so baby Hudson does have a little bit of a cone head for now, but naturally will go down.

Thanks to the power of technology I was able to meet my nephew for the first time over the Internet through a web cam and talk to the family and proud parents just shortly after the birth. "It was the second best thing to being there, and can not wait until I get to meet him in person."

Pictures are posted below of Jeanine and Josh introducing Hudson to their uncle Dillon for the first time last night. WHAT A BLESSING. Feel free to email them a congrats at jeaninerusso@cox.net

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring in the City

Well well I must say you need to pull up a chair and check out what has been going on in my life since the last time we spoke. Lets see a random snow on an April day, our church’s grand opening (Now in 5 locations) some LONG OVERDUE visitors (mom and mike) Easter Sunday, a glorious weekend in the park where I turned three shades darker from getting a tan, and the most beautiful springtime weather in New York. Does it really get much better than this?

Work is still going really well, as we are gearing up for our final shoot at the end of this month. Very exciting and cant wait to see it all come together. I recently took an outing with some co-workers the circus was in town and yes… we went. It was the most fun I have had in awhile. My parents used to take me when Ringling Brothers would roll through town back home, I must say lots has changed from the traditional three ring circus! I think I enjoyed this one more than I did when I was younger. I enjoyed it more than the kids that were there.

As when any visitor comes in town I do the tourist thing. So when Mom and Mike were here, the itinerary was the usually running roaming and rambling all across the city. I think I wore them out by the end of the trip. I know they enjoyed it. I have posted some pictures, below. My Step-mom and Dad are coming at the end of this month.

This time of year in the city, more specifically central park is AMAZING! EVERYTHING is in bloom, the breeze sends in the scent of sweet blossoms sprouting and emerging with color from the lush green grass of the Great Lawn and Sheep’s Meadow. It makes me think of the paint pallet God uses when creating such a picturesque landscape. So thankful to be able to enjoy it.

I must say a huge THANKS to all of you for your encouraging words in light of the break-up. I can tell you I am doing fine and am so blessed to have a clearer sense of direction that God has on my life and how he has fixated my feet along the path to see what he has planned for me.

Been getting some new recipes from work and have tested, (and failed) but executed many with success. Success at least I think because the pots were emptied and no left over’s… so I say it was good?

I am sure I will be posting within the next week or so as my sister Jeanine is past due with Baby Hudson and we are anxiously but patiently waiting for his arrival. I can’t wait for the day when I get to meet him in person. I know Jeanine and Josh are going to make great parents and am so happy for and proud of them.

Until then,
Peace, Love and NYC - Dillon

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Long Time Coming

What if I told you, it was all meant to be. Would you believe me, would you agree? Those two sentences, are lines of a chorus in a song by American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson. Basically those lines are the best way to sum up the experience of life here in the city since moving in January. I will say it has had its drawbacks, especially the last few days, which is why I am writing. I have always heard the say when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Ever wonder about what the weak do? By no means do I think it’s a weakness, in fact I think it’s a blessing, instead of getting going, I am turning to y’all.

Yeah yeah I know its been a while since I have posted here but a lot has transpired since the last post. Where do I begin? Lets see first, I launched my photography website dillonandre.smugmug.com where I am doing photography on the side, besides what is more fun than taking a passion, turning it into a hobby, and sharing it? PLEASE Check it out and let me know your thoughts!!!

Secondly, we have wrapped up most of our shooting for the Next Food Network Star Season 5. The season still looks to be a really good one and I think those watchers followers of the show will feel the same. But you can judge for yourself as we have set our season premiere for June 7, at 10/9 central.

Next, I have finally finished the extreme makeover NYC Apartment Edition. All the rooms are done and my room actually is welcoming now, and the kitchen is much cleaner and inviting to be used for cooking. Seeing all of the studio kitchens through work, I already have my future house plans drawn up for the culinary wing of the estate. Yes I said wing and estate. VERY similar to what I have “heard” the Contessa has…

For the LSU vs. UNC basketball game on Saturday, The LSU Alumni branch here in the city threw its annual gumbo cook-off. Now Gumbo is one thing that I really haven’t mastered on my own, but soon will thanks to my grandma Maurine sending me a years supply basically of Louisiana seasoning mixes and packets. Other relatives have sent some as well but are still in transit so when they arrive I should be set for the year! It was a very fun atmosphere and is the place for LSU sporting events, they turned away a guy wearing an Alabama hat or told him to take it off! This is my kind of place :-)

The weather has still been hit and miss lately. A couple weekends ago we had snow still on the ground but the temp warmed up to mid to lower sixties. I wore my flops shorts and a hat while the snow still covered parts of the sidewalk. It was awkward but felt great. This weekend it was supposed to be warmer and I wake up early Friday (thinking and believing the weather guy of this “fifty” promise) and there is snow falling? Just about as unpredictable as LA weather.

Finally the Madoff saga is over, that was a frenzy up here. Just about everyone up here was talking about, affected by it, or guilty of it. Even the homeless people. In my case, I guess it does pay after all to be broke, poor, and saving little by little and not investing?

Two former colleagues were in the city for a convention last weekend and we got to have dinner and catch up which was a nice treat. April is my visiting month, My parents, are coming on two weekends and a friend is coming one weekend too so April will help me get through these bumpy spots I have hit the last couple of days.

My girlfriend and I are proud parents… NO NOT IN THAT WAY! Calm down! She inherited a dog and she has fallen in love! Not sure who she loves more at times, me or the dog, although sometimes we act the same! Yes I am a man and I will admit it. We are still trying to come up with a name for the wiener dog that she is insisting that I will come to love, but we will see. I did the really sweet thing and said, “whatever you want you can have” (Did I say really good think or made the mistake?)

I was asked to join the bible study leadership team by my church and my current bible study leader, so I will begin a crash course to prepare to lead a group of my own during the summer, if God still has me here in NYC.

Until then, life has been interesting and definitely not the same without seeing all of you. HOWEVER, please know that your prayers are sometimes the only thing that helps me get through a down day, and when I awake the next morning I realize how blessed I am that your thoughts and prayers and He has carried me through. DONT STOP NOW!

Seeing you later,
Peace, Love, and NYC!