Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Big Bird Always Asked... Do You Know the People in Your Neighborhood, in your neighborhood.... Oh You Know How the Song Goes

First a very Happy Birthday to my mom today!

Secondly, hey everybody I am posting this blog mid-week to tell you about my first day and as the title says, a little bit about the place I am living. QUEENS, New York. Its a place that many describe as a melting pot of cultures. The closest northerners, get to a gumbo. Queens is home to over 100 different ethnic groups.  Near by Forest Hills and Kew Gardens is predominantly Jewish and Italian, while Woodside (where I live) Rockaway Beach, Long Island City house the Irish.  Its a very diverse population and am getting to know the people and the area in my neighborhood. So by now you are wondering where the coon-asses are right? Yeah well I am nice and warm in my apartment tonight!

The first day of work went really well, met new people and reunited with one I interned with here in NYC back in 2007. The work is tedious but, its work that is essential to the whole reality TV competition process. I enjoyed the day while they are long, it is a good sense of accomplishment when its time to turn in for the night. Today was the first day that we did not get snow since I have been here. And as you can tell from the pictures it is nothing like the SNEAUX we get down home. 

Friday for dinner two former interns and myself are having dinner to catch up from the two years we last spoke and saw one another. And you can expect a blog post this weekend with two funny stories about my escapades and mishap on the way to work this week... and I do mean mishap! 

You know I have to leave you in suspense... until then,
Peace, Love, and NYC,


  1. I did write about 2 paragraphs describing Sam's last day. It got deleted from messing up on the posting stage. I'm not happy with this. I'm too lazy to re-write it. Typing it again would also make me reminisce about Leroy. Gag.

    Can't wait to hear the stories. I'm glad you are updating often. Hope you get to continue it.


  2. OH, and I was called Angela twice today, in the same conversation. He made a joke about starting a name cup. In that case, I would have money t buy coffee every day.

  3. Hopefully in your trip around the neighborhood you didn't run into Oscar the Grouch!

  4. Join my blog, you act like you're busy or something.

  5. Dillon:
    I am so jealous, you in New York and I in Baton Rouge at my computer wishing I was there. Scope out the hotels near you because Nannie and I plan to come for a visit.
    I am planning to have dinner with Mom next Tuesday to celebrate her birthday.
