Sunday, January 25, 2009

New York, the slippery streets and the “Flat-Irony-Building”

Hang in there with me I know this blog is long but its worth it. Trust me!

The first week of work and life in my new hometown has been very…interesting, to say the least. I can say very little about my work due to confidentiality contract, but what I can tell you is that I am working on the Next Food Network Star Season Five. Some of my duties include post-production responsibilities, production assistant, and set run job duties. The work is tedious but I find fulfillment knowing how essential my role is to the overall process of producing reality TV.

Being in this city for just one week, I have realized that irony falls upon me daily like the foreign concept of snow has for the past couple of days, although it warmed up to a very nice forty-three degrees today. I began to notice the ironic situations that seem to rotate like the revolving doors that are on every sky-scraper in this city. For example, I walk into the 555 building where I work. The lobby level is a BMW showroom, as I work in the BMW building. As irony would have it, I have to walk by a china cabinet housing vehicles over sixty thousand dollars, and yet I am catching the elevator right by it to go up to the eighth floor to work on a paupers salary.

Maybe the irony that I have lived along a river my entire life. Back home it was the Mighty Mississippi and here it is the Iceberg Present Hudson River. No lie! I have a great view from my office window of the Hudson. Like a country boy new to the city, I asked why was there so much trash floating in the river. Was that the debris from the US Airways plane crash that happened right in front of our office view. My co-workers laughed. I said what’s so funny. That’s icebergs floating “Southey” as they call me. How was I supposed to know. The only think I have seen in the water back home were trash, gambling boats and barges. The gambling boats was a foreign concept to them.

Or if that doesn’t scream irony for you like roar of the subways underneath the city, how about the irony of running into a former co-worker at the Early Show on your way home from work, and she tells you how she is getting married to someone you both interned with. ODD yes, ironic maybe?

But the week has been good. I must tell you though that this southerner has fallen. Not spiritually but physically. I now have learned that melted snow turns to…. Yep you guessed it, ICE. I was walking along the street and as you will learn if you ever visit, the Avenues are much longer than your city streets. Well there was this old man shoveling the storefront. Reading a book that my brother-in-law gave me and I wont lie, somewhat dancing to my ipod, I began to feel my feet sliding out from under me. So like a newborn fawn learning to take his first steps, the top half of my body began flailing around. And of course you know you try to be graceful and catch your balance as you slip and slide. Well the only thing caught was my body as I slid and stumbled and flailed along for about half the avenue and landed… on my butt then sliding right into a cab tire. All I could do was laugh. I laughed so hard, of course not realizing how loud I was since the music was cranked up. Everyone came up and said are you okay, and all I could do was laugh. One middle eastern lady laughed and then I made eye contact with her and she felt ashamed but I told her I was glad I could bring some entertainment to her day and we both laughed. Luckily the only thing hurt was the curb.

I have posted a video virtual tour of my place. Check it out to see my apartment in Queens!s

The times that I make a fool of myself and no one here to witness them. I had the chance to share my faith with a co-worker and about trusting God. It was a random opportunity but I saw it open and walked in. It was only in sharing about my trust in the recent decision to move, that I realized I needed to thank you all for your support, confidence and faith in me that I could embark on this journey. I didn’t believe in myself at first but now I can say thanks for pushing me off the cliff, cause I knew how to fly I just didn’t want to get my wings dirty. Thanks for the push, its what I needed, just have to make sure that when I land, its not on slippery ice!

 Peace, Love and NYC,



  1. Nice guest room. Loved the video very creative. I can see why they hired you. About the falls. I have also fallen on several occasions. None of them on ice. All of them were humiliating. The most humiliating was when I was doing a safety audit at the chemical plant where I work. I fell while walking out of a builiding right onto the ground. I was also wearing a HOT PINK hard hat and fell right in front of my archenemy. Good times!!! So, it happens to the best. Glad you were not hurt. Take care
    Peace Love and GUY FIERI!!!

  2. You were right (surprise, surprise) - reading this one was definetely worth the wait and I'm glad I got the "full effect."

    Gansta - It's ABOUT time you posted a video. I was right (again, surprise surprise!)about those green walls. It looks very homey and that's a good thing. Have a great Monday! Love, Rhonda

  3. Dillon.

    I'm glad you posted a video. There was a huge cheese factor in the beginning... BUT I guess it was worth it. Fun stuff. The kitchen's real cute. Looks cozy over there. Hope it's going well.

  4. Also,

    You should have done the 'Cribs Effect' and fast forwarded a lot of the rooms and drew up some home-made blue prints to zoom in on. That would have been awesome for realz.

  5. Thanks for the tour. Modern technology-love it!! I'm going to get a laptop soon--oh no--your not here to help us! You know were challenged in this area. Well it was good to see your place inside and out-it gives us a better persceptive. Don't know how long it will take me to figure out the webcam-good thing I still remember what you look like. Watch where your walking and let me know when -You've got mail-- Love ya lots, Mom
